Blue Bonnets Bouquet
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Includes: bouquet, matching bouquet note card, paper vase and vibrant mailing envelope, Measures approx 12" high by 9" across, For every bouquet sold, we plant a tree in your honor, Flowers and envelope are 100% recyclable paper. FreshCut Paper’s Festive Tulips features a dazzling collection of pastel blooms that will radiate the essence of spring in your home. Tulips, the muse of many Dutch painters, symbolize new beginnings, elegance, and unconditional love. Our eye catching palette of soft lavender, bubbly yellow, lush coral, and glamorous pink is a wilt proof and planet friendly alternative to traditional cut flowers. Wow your loved one with a bouquet that can be enjoyed for years to come, and helps ensure a lasting future for our planet.

Blue Bonnets Bouquet



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