Rainbow of Roses  Arrangement
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Want to show your love with roses, but unsure which color to send? This rainbow of roses has you covered! Yellow, orange, red, or pink roses, they can all be found in this great arrangement. Order online or call us to have this bouquet of roses customized with their favorite colors! Can be in a Tapered Glass Vase or a Spring Garden Vase.
Foliage: Aspidistra Leaves, Leather Leaf, Baby Blue Eucalyptus
Roses, Assorted Colors (Shown: Yellow, Peach, Variegated Yellow Roses, Light Pink, Medium Pink, Hot Pink Roses) with Blupleurum, Caspia and Medium Pink Ribbon

Rainbow of Roses Arrangement



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